Holyport Cricket Club

The first official record of Holyport Cricket Club that we have been able to find was from 1844 and in order to commemorate our 150th anniverary, one of our members, Richard Woolmer, researched and wrote HISTORY OF HOLYPORT AND LOCAL CRICKET 1844 - 1994. The limited number printed proved very popular so a reprint was ordered these have also now sold out. A copy is available in the library at Lords.

Chapter six tells of the other team that played in the village, that run by Major Hubert Martineau between the two world wars. This was 'country house cricket' of the highest order and of the 228 games played during this period on his pitch (the field along side Blind Lane, opposite the entrance to Stroud Farm Road) there is newsreel footage of at least two, both being the opening games of the season for the international touring sides. Firstly the Australians vs Minor Counties in 1926 where there was no play on the first day due to rain but on the second day the home side bowled out the tourists for 179 in front of a crowd of 13,000 (according to the locals), and secondly the New Zealanders in 1927 who scored 586 against Matineau's own team (The Water Martins).   
(Thanks to 'H' for finding the links to the films.)

Hopefully some extracts and pictures from the book will soon appear below along with some others that we just couldn't fit in and some to bring the story right up to date.
